Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute®

Let your playful child and creative child out to play through guided journal activities using both hands. Learn how to break through creative blocks using written dialogue. Treat yourself to spontaneous expression connecting both hemispheres of the brain.

Marsha Nelson, PhD: CJEAI® Director
Lisa Brown: Lead Instructor
Elva Villarreal: Training Supervisor

 CJEAI® — Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute®

Best-selling author of 23 books, Art Therapist Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., ATR, REAT, (1937-2022) originated the groundbreaking Creative Journal method (1976) combining art and writing therapy. She co-founded the Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute (CJEAI)® certification training in 1997 with Marsha Nelson, Ph.D. Since 1999, they have certified professionals who are applying Dr. Capacchione’s method in a variety of settings. An evidence-based method, CJEAI® has been researched in school districts in California and Texas. The method uses both sides of the brain to promote a greater sense of wholeness and healing.   

CJEAI® Instructors, working under the umbrella of Project Insight, teach the CJEAI® method to individuals or groups.

Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute (CJEAI®) is a work-study program for certification to teach, coach, or lead groups using Dr. Lucia Capacchione’s CJEAI® Method. Certified CJEAI® professionals are qualified to apply and integrate the method into their work or to create an adjunct practice in personal coaching, teaching, consulting, or group leadership.

Level 1 — For Interested Candidates

Available Training Methods:

  • In-person takes one year to complete starting with a 7-day intensive. This intensive is followed by fieldwork in the trainee’s own location and four days of assisting under Dr. Marsha Nelson, Mrs. Elva Villarreal, or another Certified master CJEAI® instructor. The program ends with a final intensive graduation and certification as a CJEAI® instructor.

  • Online takes 18 months for certification, consisting of weekly Zoom meetings at 2 1/2 hours each taught by certified master instructors.

  • Hybrid consists of 6 months of weekly Zoom sessions at 2 1/2 hours each, followed by a one-week in-person training.

Level 2 — For CJEAI® Graduates Only

Consists of in-depth advanced intensives and workshops, such as Visioning® Coach Certification, offered for graduates of the CJEAI® program only.

Level 3 — The Certified Master Instructor Program

Invitational for experienced instructors qualified to supervise others in CJEAI® fieldwork.

What do CJEAI® instructors offer?

  1. We provide support to caregivers, first responders, aid workers, mental and medical health workers who have spent countless hours in the service of those who have been affected by trauma. We do this by providing customized activities and events that are flexible, based on their needs and time constraints. It could be as little as a two-hour “lunch and learn” or even a two-day workshop retreat, allowing them to take time for themselves in nurturing and healing activities.

  2. Our “hands-on” content is designed to teach emotional tools to healers who need to de-stress and rejuvenate. Once they know these methods, they can also use them in their work with others.  

The benefits of this work include:

  • Decreased anxiety and stress-related symptoms

  • Improved auto-immune functions which then increase resilience and emotional strength

  • Clarity of thought

  • Grounding and sensory awareness along with improved personal insight

  • Increased resilience and emotional strength

There is so much more to say about CJEAI® methods and Project Insight®. We invite you to consider this option as you pursue effective ways to bless the lives of the committed professionals in your organization.

The Creator & Work of the late Dr. Lucia Capacchione, PhD, ATR, REAT


She was a best-selling author of 23 books and audio CDs, a Registered Art Therapist, and a pioneering Expressive Arts Therapist. She conducted workshops and professional training using her innovative methods. Lucia was also known internationally as an expert in sparking and nurturing creativity in all areas of life.

Books by Lucia Capacchione, PhD, ATR, (Art Therapist Registered) REAT (Registered Expressive Arts Therapist):

Hello, This is Your Body Talking A Draw-It-Yourself Coloring Book - Ohio U. Press
Drawing Your Stress Away A Draw-It-Yourself Coloring Book - Ohio U. Press
The Creative Journal, 35th Anniversary Edition - Swallow Press/Ohio U. Press
The Power of Your Other Hand - Red Wheel/Weiser
The Well-Being Journal - New Page
The Picture of Health: Healing Your Life with Art
Lighten Up Your Body, Lighten Up Your Life - New Page
The Creative Journal for Teens - Shambala
The Creative Journal for Children - Shambala
The Creative Journal for Parents - Shambala
The Creative Journal for the Cancer Survivor Wrbk - Co-author Marsha Nelson, PhD.
Recovery of Your Inner Child -
Simon & Schuster
Creating a Joyful Birth Experience
Putting Your Talent to Work Health Communications - out of print
Visioning: Ten Steps to the Life of your Dreams - Tarcher/Putnam
The Art of Emotional Healing - Shambala
Living with Feeling
The Wisdom of Your Other Hand 5 CDs from author Meditations
Picture of Health Audio CD Well-Being Journal - available from Project Insight by request
The Sound of Feelings Sampler CD – music for journaling and dancing on paper by and available from Jessie Allen Cooper

CJEAI® Adventures